What is the Standard Size of a Bounce House?

The most common sizes of bouncy houses range from 13 feet x 13 feet to 15 feet x 15 feet, with larger sizes in the 20 ft x 20 ft range and smaller sizes in the 10 ft x 10 ft range. Generally, these standard sizes can accommodate at least four children at a time. When considering the size of a bouncy house, it is important to take into account the amount of vertical headroom needed. Most bouncy houses require at least 15 feet of headroom, while larger ones may need up to 20 feet.

Some of the larger models may even require up to 22 feet. On the other hand, small-scale bouncy houses may only need 10 feet of headroom. It is also important to check the dimensions of any bouncy house you are interested in renting, as well as the accessibility of your property. Is there a door? Is it wide enough? Will you be able to fit the bouncy house between your house and your neighbor's? Generally, 4 feet wide is a safe number for most teams.

When it comes to weight, most bouncy houses weigh between 200 and 400 pounds. However, some may be lighter or heavier than this range. Additionally, you should leave some space to tie up the bouncy house and for generators if they are needed to keep it inflated. Finally, when setting up a bouncy house, make sure that there is enough space for it to be fully inflated and that there are no obstacles such as walls or trees that could cause damage or injury.

The smallest bouncy houses are usually about six feet on a side and have low ceilings and a small amount of bounce, making them suitable for toddlers and young children. Most bouncy houses are designed with enough free space so that children can bounce without the risk of hitting their heads or falling clumsily.

Evert van der Doorn
Evert van der Doorn

Incurable zombie scholar. Passionate web advocate. Wannabe bacon nerd. Evil internet nerd. Hipster-friendly zombieaholic.

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